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Enroll Master Thesis

This form is used by student to enroll for the Master Thesis or to decline for next academic year 2024-2025.

While the form is not submitted, it is possible to save the form an resume later (upper right link).


Please, check with your supervisor before submitting the subject.



(This question is mandatory)
Your student's email (only VUB or ULB email are valid).
(This question is mandatory)
fill in your student ID
(This question is mandatory)
Your institution (ULB/VUB).
Is the master thesis done next academic year at the VUB or ULB ?
(This question is mandatory)
Are you planning to do you master thesis in the academic year of 2024-2025 ?
(This question is mandatory)
Are you doing a mobility program (outside Brussels) in the academic year of 2024-2025 ?
(This question is mandatory)
Are you doing your Master Thesis in ULB/VUB ?
Master thesis
Description of the master thesis
(This question is mandatory)
Master thesis program
(This question is mandatory)
Master thesis title
(This question is mandatory)

supervisor's email i.e. a member of the academic staff.

(only VUB or ULB email are valid)

coSupervisor's email (valid email only)
advisor's email (valid email only)

the advisor is in charge of the day to day interaction with the student, when this role is not done by the supervisor or co-supervisor.